International People's Front

Rally the Peoples of the World and Rise Up Against War, Plunder, and Oppression!

Rally the Peoples of the World and Rise Up Against War, Plunder, and Oppression!

At the close of 2024 and dawn of 2025, the world is being wracked by the imperialist onslaught of devastating wars of aggression, corporate plunder of natural resources and national industries, and rising fascism and state-driven religious, ethnic and racial violence as governments around the world neglect their people’s needs and enrich themselves and their bureaucrat cronies. The need for a united front of all the world’s peoples alongside all the exploited workers and toilers of the land and in alliance with all states and liberation movements asserting genuine independence is desperately needed to combat this oppression and win a bright future for humanity and the planet.

West Asia has been set on fire by the ultra-reactionary alliance of the US-Zionist-Turkish forces as the Zionist project has been completely unmasked as nothing less than the most bloodthirsty genocidal fascism in the world today, while Turkish expansionism under the fascist Erdogan regime enters the feeding frenzy for land and political influence to take advantage of the regional crisis. The genocide in Palestine continues without let up as the Palestinian resistance maintains its just struggle for liberation, while the people of Lebanon hold their strong ground after months of war and sacrifice against the Zionist entity. The people of Yemen, Iraq and Iran continue to support these resistance fronts even as they weather their own attacks by the US and Zionist forces.

Now, taking advantage of the ceasefire in Lebanon, US-armed and Turkish-trained terrorist gangs have cut a path of destruction through Syria and overthrown its independent government, beheading soldiers and civilians alike, as part of Turkey’s objective to weaken the Syrian state led by President Assad so as to better facilitate its extermination campaign against the people of Kurdistan. Turkey’s settler colonial project in Cyprus also allows the British and NATO forces to maintain the island as an outpost in their operations throughout the region. All the while, the US maneuvers to take advantage of its ultimate objective in the region of subduing Iran and regaining hegemony in the region through the regional rule of its allies and satellite states of Turkey, the Zionist entity, and the Gulf monarchies, and continue plundering the oil and dominating the sea trade routes of the region while the people suffer under occupation and despotic puppet rule.

In Eastern Europe, the war in Ukraine has heated up after a year of cold stalemate as the US-backed forces of Kiev have moved into Russia itself and have now used US and British long ranged missiles to hit deep into Russian territory. This fulfills the US and EU’s ultimate goal of militarily weakening Russia without having to deploy any of their militaries and instead rely on the Ukrainian people as a puppet military after provoking Russia to invade Ukraine to prevent the existential threat of Ukraine joining the NATO alliance. As more Ukrainians and Russians die in this nearly 3-year old conflict, the people of Western Europe face massive spending cuts and austerity as far right and fascist parties come to power and enact massive military spending to strengthen NATO militarily while enacting harsh xenophobic border policies and whipping up anti-immigrant violence to blame migrants as the scapegoat for the economic crisis that they created. Yet, workers, migrants, and students take to the streets in increasing anti-fascist and anti-war demonstrations.

Preparation for US-led war has reached new heights in the Pacific as the US and its allies sign new military agreements and build new bases to surround and subdue China and the DPRK. US and Japanese forces join South Korea in provocative military exercises on the Korean Peninsula, threatening DPRK with invasion and possible nuclear attacks. New US bases are being built in the Philippines and additional Western states are being brought in for joint military exercises in the Islands to prepare the West Philippine Sea as a battlefront in a future war with China. The US and Australia work to fortify other Pacific Islands with new military bases and missile stations, militarizing and painting a target on colonized and neo-colonized small island nations like Guam, Marshall Islands, Fiji, US-occupied Hawaiʻi, and others, who face the existential threat of sea level rise and superstorms from the imperialist-caused climate crisis. In nearby South Asia, India also flexes its aggression towards its neighbors while working with the US to regain political influence from China in the crisis-ridden countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Yet these war preparations are frustrated and slowed by unremitting peoples resistance, including armed resistance, in the Philippines, India, Burma, West Papua, New Caledonia and throughout the region.

While Africa continues to be plundered as a natural resource hunting ground by the imperialist powers, new power arrangements are shifting and the people are rising up even in the midst of devastating civil wars facilitated by the imperialists. Libya and Sudan exist in a constant state of civil war as famine starves the people to death. The people of Western Sahara have renewed their armed resistance for national liberation against the colonial US and Zionist-supported regime of Morocco. On the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia risks falling into a new civil war as Western states and Egypt covet the water sources of the Nile in the country, while Somalia risks the same as the US, Turkey, and UAE pay regional warlords to fight each other to grab access to the country’s rich oil supply, all the while scheming to break Eritrea’s independence and steal its access to the Red Sea fishing and trade zones. The Congo remains in a state of genocidal war by imperialist-backed warlords as multinational companies covet the rich mining resources of the country.

The Sahel states of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger have ousted French-backed puppet governments and begun to lay the groundwork for independent economies, with Senegal and Chad attempting the same process towards genuine independence from French imperialism. To fight off this resistance, the US doubles down on its support for puppet rulers in Kenya, Nigeria, and elsewhere, to keep these countries drowning in debt and to facilitate the building of new military bases. Yet, the people in these countries are rising up in new, mostly youth-led movements against puppet government corruption and extrajudicial state violence.

Similar power shifts are happening in Latin America. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia hold onto their independence despite US-backed coup and invasion attempts. The Brazilian people have weathered and thrown off the fascist Bolsanaro regime but the indigenous people of the Amazon still struggle for their land and livelihood against the encroachment of foreign-backed deforestation of logging and livestock companies. Argentina’s Milei regime enacts devastating austerity on the people while maneuvering for the country to join NATO and revive the memory of fascist military rule. Mexico and Central America are bled dry by US corporations while migrants fleeing violence and poverty to the US face border militarization and extreme anti-migrant xenophobia, especially in the wake of the recent US presidential election. In the Caribbean, the Puerto Rican people fight for independence against US colonialism while US and Canada rely on the puppet military of Kenya to occupy parts of Haiti and regain control of the people as a reserve labor force for sweatshop production.

In the wake of these regional wars of aggression and imperialist-backed counterinsurgency operations, the toiling masses are mired in devastating economic, political, and environmental crises. The people face mass unemployment, job insecurity, dangerous and informal work, and wage stagnation, all while costs of living increase. Forceful implementation of IMF-led structural adjustment policies increases the national debt as national industries and assets are sold, leading to higher taxation and erosion of social services such as housing, healthcare, energy and education. In countries facing US-backed sanctions, economies are devastated even further.

State-backed corporate plunder is stealing the land and natural and productive resources that should be reserved for farming, fishing, and other forms of subsistence livelihood of the people. State neglect in the face of the monopoly capitalist-driven climate crisis is unleashing many forms of climate disasters including drought, intensified heatwaves, floods, storms, wildfires, blight, loss of food production and ultimately the weakening of peoples’ food sovereignty.  All of this increases mass starvation, malnutrition and disease, particularly in the resource-rich regions of the Global South.

Finally, the imperialist and puppet governments are enacting harsh political repression to keep the toiling people tied to wage or feudal working bondage and stem the tide of people’s uprisings. The people face erosion of democratic rights and an escalation of state violence. Unions, peasant organizations, and other working peoples organizations are increasingly under attack. Ruling regimes stoke and weaponize religious fundamentalism, ethno-nationalism and bigotry to sow divisions among the people and build their fascist mass base of support. There is an intensification of all forms of violence against women, especially by the state and in the context of conflict and war.  Anti-terror laws and the sanctioning of organizations and individuals as “terrorist” or “terrorist supporting” are increasingly being used to justify both legal and extralegal detention and violence against peoples movements fighting against imperialism and local reaction.

In the face of this plunder and oppression, and as these many regional wars of aggression dangerously lay the groundwork for an eventual new world war, there is a need for the people of the world to rally together under a common banner for national liberation, the advancement of peoples’ rights, and the eventual social liberation of all the world’s people from all forms of exploitation and oppression. Now is the time for broad alliances to be built between all working and toiling people, liberation movements of the people fighting against colonial and neocolonial subjugation, and all states striving for genuine independence from imperialism. The International Peoples’ Front calls on all progressive forces in the world today to rally together, wage militant mass struggles, and fight in all possible spheres including the media, propaganda, military and diplomatic. Together, let us unite with all those fighting to free themselves from the shackles of domination and crisis in their countries and homelands, and together we can win a bright future for humanity and the planet!


International Peoples’ Front

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Rally the Peoples of the World and Rise Up Against War, Plunder, and Oppression!

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