June 12, 2022 [10:00 Buenos Aires / 13:00 Geneva / 16:00 Nairobi / 18:30 Mumbai / 20:00 Jakarta / 21:00 Manila / June 13, 2022 01:00 Auckland]
Interpretations in French, Spanish, Bahasa, Urdu and Filipino will be available.
HERE’s HOW YOU CAN participate: Send us a video or photo expressing why we need to JUNK WTO your solidarity to workers and farmers affected by WTO your vision of a peoples trade agenda and your mass actions against WTO MC 12, on or before 9 June 2022. For your mass actions against WTO, please coordinate with the POP secretariat.
Use the hashtags: #AFutureWithoutWTO #PeoplesTradeAgenda #PeopleOverProfit
Use the calls:
📣 Drop the patents! Scrap TRIPS!
📣 People over profit!
📣 Junk WTO!
📣 We want a future without WTO!
📣 Advance the peoples trade agenda!
📣 Resist neoliberal trade! Fight imperialist globalization!
📣 WTO out of fisheries! End the global plunder of our seas!
📣 Defend our jobs and livelihood now!
📣 Dismantle the WTO and end corporate-led trade!
📣 Take the monopolies and the TNCs out of our lives!
You may send your video or selfie to [email protected] or send us a message on Facebook on or before 9 June 2022.