As the global pandemic and multiple crises hit all countries, fascism is rearing its ugly head as the status quo increasing use fascist measure to stifle people’s thinking and dissent.
Fascism as a system and as a tendency is the complete disregard and violation of democracy and peoples rights. Fascist totalitarian governments including right wing political parties and movements have developed and strengthened since the Great Depression in the 1930s paving the way for Nazism and other fascist governments leading to the Second World War. Their defeat did not spell the end of fascism, but remained a latent force and a tool of monopoly capital.
Imperialism has sponsored fascist totalitarian governments in Latin American and Asia in the second half of the twentieth century. It has strengthened further since the deepening crisis of monopoly capital since the 1980s in the so-called rise of populist parties/leaders and rightwing and neo-nazi movements and puppet dictatorships in neocolonial countries.
The current pandemic in 2020 exacerbated political conflict and instability and provides more conditions for the growth of fascism, whether in neocolonial and dependent countries, and developed/imperialist countries, no to mention the growth of totalitarian governments led by ‘populist’ leaders like Putin, Modi, Erdogan, Bolsonario and Duterte or militarist governments in countries like Israel and Myanmar among many others.
As the people struggle for their individual rights and autonomy, bourgeois states are challenged to keep to their liberal democratic pretensions as they face the economic, political and health crisis, implement restrictions and undermine liberal democratic premises of their own rule. The dire economic and health crises find expression in the peoples individual and collective protests that are increasingly repressed by governments.
Fascism has been the foundation of pandemic response in countries like Philippines, India, China, and Hongkong. Now fascism continues to rear its ugly head in Myamar, Kazakhstan, Hongkong and other countries amidst a worsening global situation. Conflict and occupation by reaction continue to utilize fascist measures such as in Gaza and West Bank, Yemen, Kurdish territories, Cyprus and Colombia.
We must link all the peoples struggles against fascism all over the world. The Three Crazy Months - the Peoples’ Fightback Against Fascism will start from February 15 to May 21 to create the momentum towards a stronger fight by the people and their movements for freedom and democracy. Different local, national and global organizations led by APRN, APC, IADL, ILPS, IMA, IWA, IPRN, PCFS, PFL, POP, PRISMM, Resist, and others have united to launch this campaign to strengthen and raise awareness and action versus fascism.
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