International People's Front

Online conversation with Prof. Jose Maria Sison

Online conversation with Prof. Jose Maria Sison

Let’s have a casual online conversation with Prof. Jose Maria Sison, chairperson emeritus of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) and consultant to PRISM, on the hot topic of fascism.

Prof. Joma Sison will answer frequently asked questions (FAQ) as well as share interesting nuggets of information on fascism and why we should fight it. We encourage you to prepare your questions ahead of time. See you!

FAQ on Fascism
A Q&A Conversation with Prof. Jose Maria Sison
26 February 2022 (Saturday)
5.30am LA
8.30am New York, Ottawa
10.30am Santiago
1.30pm Dakar
2.30pm Amsterdam, Brussels, Rome
7.30pm Dhaka
8.30pm Bangkok, Jakarta
9.30pm Hong Kong, Manila, Kuala Lumpur
10.30pm Seoul, Tokyo
12.30am (27 February) Sydney, Melbourne
(Language interpretation will be available in Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia, French and Spanish.)

Prof. Joma Sison recently released a paper and a two-part educational video entitled, “On Fascism before and after World War II”. We encourage everyone to do advance reading and/or viewing to prepare us in the upcoming talk. Go to this link to read or watch:

This event is part of the ongoing Peoples’ Fightback Against Fascism campaign to raise awareness, deepen understanding and intensify people’s fight against fascism.

Click here to register for the FAQonFascism


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