International People's Front

Solidarity message from German Filipino Friends

Solidarity message from German Filipino Friends

Dear Norma and Board members of KAPATIRAN,

Thank you for sending us the latest information about the Human Rights Day on December 10 and the plans of the protofascistic Duterte Regime to detent the political prisoners to local jails.

We are supporting the political prisoners since many years by visiting them personally, being pen pals and sending balikbayan boxes. We have also supported them by sending donations e.g. for medical treatments, or other urgent needs.

We know many of them since a long time and are always happy when we receive their letters and selfmade handicrafts for fund raisung. 

Of course we regularly inform people in Germany about the situation of our friends and we make public our common demand to release all political prisoners,

It is absolutely not acceptable that they are going to be sent to the local jails which are in a terrible condition. It is not acceptable that they are treated like they would be ordinary criminals.

It is not acceptable to restrict access to the political prisoners – visits of relatives, friends and lawyers, medical help, legal services, etc.

The real reason for these plans is that the govermnement fears the solidarity and the work of the political prisoners. They want to destroy their strong moral and their relationships. 

We strongly condemn this violation of human rights. We demand to stop this plan and to release the political prisoners which suffer from the injustice of false accusations, often since many years.

We promise to spread information about these facts, to distribute the statement of the Political Prisoners and to continue our support. 

We wish you a successful Human Rights Day! 

Free all politcal prisoners!

In Solidarity,

For the board of the German Filipino Friendship Society

Julia and Dagmar

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